Once again I’m a bit late, but it doesn’t detract from an incredible visit from The Grandmaster Of The Shaolin Art! This was his 2nd visit to our small school in Cork City, Ireland. He was Welcomed with Great excitement from the long lived & brand new students!
I nearly brushed off the call at 4am in the morning from California thinking that it was only a misdial. Thank Goodness the notification for a message sent to voice mail was loud enough to wake me from my sleepy daze so that I can jump into action! Grandmaster The’ left a message saying that he will be coming a day earlier because the airline decided to cancel his flight! There was a bit of a scramble, but it was well worth it as it afforded us the opportunity to spend an AMAZING time exploring the National Botanical Gardens in Dublin (http://botanicgardens.ie/ )! With the extra day, the Grandmaster was able to rest up after a 10hr flight and adjust to the 8hr time difference. So on the Friday he was fresh and eager to take the ferry and spend another Fantastic day exploring Garnish Island (http://www.garnishisland.com/ )!
On the Saturday we had a nice morning walk and saw the Ogm Stone at UCC, then a stroll through Fitsgerald Park to see Cork icon “The Shaky Bridge”. After lunch we had our grading. Congratulations to Nava, Gabriel on their advancement to Brown Belt, & to Luisa, Frank & Ruby on their advancement to Blue Belt! After dinner we treated The Grandmaster to some Traditional Irish Music Session where one of our very own black belts, Conni Dawson, also known as “The Street Harpest” brought our her harp and played for us all!

On Sunday we learn a FANTASTIC form! The Tai Chi Short Stick ( The Stick That Subdued The Dog) was Unbelievable! I can speak for all my students that attended, we were all in awe! The students, myself included, learn so much and heard some Great stories! There are just not enough endearing words to describe the AMAZING weekend!
It was sad to see The Grandmaster leave. We all can not Thank him enough for taking the time out of his busy schedule to come to our little Island to visit our modest school!